May 9, 2018 Miranda Gaubatz
Powerful and moving words from Miranda:
Hello from the Holy Land! I have created a google drive folder for the pictures I take of my Sawyer bracelet at the different sites we visit.
I wanted to share with you both the special experience i had bringing Sawyer with me to the Garden Tomb today.
The peace I felt in the Garden was unlike any peace I have ever experienced in my life. It was surreal. As I took this picture of the bracelet in front of the tomb to send to you, I was overwhelmed with so many emotions. To be able to bring your Sawyer with me to the place that symbolizes conquering death, and that he will one day live again, that you all will get to see your brother and son once more was an incredible experience for me. By bringing Sawyer with me to the Tomb, my testimony was strengthened of the Resurrection and the beauty of the Plan of Salvation. The Spirit testified to me the truth of the events that happened there almost 2000 years ago, that Christ really did rise from the dead, and what those events mean for us today through Sawyer, that we can all live again. I feel the Spirit testifying those same truths to me as I share my testimony with you both.
Thank you for sharing the joy of Sawyer's life with me. I hope this message and picture finds you both doing well and brings you peace and a smile about your Sawyer. I am excited to continue to take him with me in my adventures in this sacred land.
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